i used to find some of the lyrics in some songs to be really over.. like, terlampau exaggerated bah. For example.. "Im so lost without you" or .. "the sound of your voice, thats what saves me" or like they say they're drowning in love.. or the love makes them go blind.. or their heart aches.. and stuff like that.
i used to find those lyrics ridiculous.. but then i realised.. love really does make a person feel those stuff.. like "Im so lost without you" couldnt get anymore true. its not just a figure of speech.. think about it.. say u just broke up.. or your gf/bf went overseas.. to further their studies or sumtin. Dont you feel lost? dont u have that uneasy feeling, you feel restless dont you? you dont LITERALLY get lost, but you feel lost.. :(
"the sound of your voice, thats what saves me" is not over exaggerated as well.. i mean, sometimes when you get in trouble, or you just screwed yourself real bad, you messed things up.. and your loved ones come up to you, or give you a call and tell you it'll be okay, giving you confidence.. and make you feel important and special, dont you feel saved?
and alot more ! but if i were to list em all down here.. can write book liao..
haha.. im not sure if im making much sense here.. but i just felt like sharing a lil bit.
p/s .. theres never a day gone by where i didnt think about u.. not one.