Monday, March 2, 2009

accidents happen

now.. this is what i call a masterpiece ;)
lol isnt this the funniest thing ever

check out the window

hahahah man whoever made these things.. i love u k? haha yea mistakes come n go.. so
dont feel too bad when u've screwed or messed things up.. at the end of the day, it'll b history.
and u can always look at the positive sides of the accidents or the mistakes u've made..
take these contructions for an example.. they're messed up, but they can make people laugh..
hahahaha man the toilet 1 cracked me up xD

haha toodles!

do u know?

do u know why sometimes u can b REALLY sad? do u know why sometimes when u start crying,
it feels like it'll never end, and ur tears just keep coming? do u know why sometimes u feel like
the saddest person EVER even tho sumtin small jz happened..?

thats because u've had really great times before.. u've experienced happiness. u've been thru great moments with ur family and frens.. give a child a lolipop, and take it away after awhile, it'll cry right? say u've never given it at the first place, the baby will have nothing to cry about. its the same concept here..

so dont feel too bad.. shit happens all the time.